Windhorst: Mapes Trial Highlights Need for Strong Ethics Reforms

METROPOLIS – State Rep. Patrick Windhorst (R-Metropolis) is once again calling on legislative Democrats to join with House Republicans to enact robust and meaningful ethics reforms ahead of the corruption trial of indicted former House Speaker Michael Madigan’s chief of staff Tim Mapes. Mapes is on trial for lying to federal investigators in the US Government’s sweeping probe of Madigan’s corrupt relationship with utility giant Com-Ed.

“Since taking office, I have sponsored legislation that would significantly change our ethics laws to target corruption and self-dealing under the Capitol dome,” Windhorst said. “From shutting down an investigative committee into Madigan’s corruption, to failing to hold task force meetings, to leaving meaningful ethics reform measures to languish in the infamous Rules Committee, House Democrats have expressed zero willingness so far to change the culture of corruption in Illinois.”

Windhorst, who currently serves as the House Republican Floor leader, says he hopes Mapes’ trial will provide the catalyst needed to spur legislative action on ethics reform as soon as possible.

“Every time a public figure goes on trial for corruption in Illinois, another stain is added to our blemished reputation,” Windhorst said. “We must seize the opportunity to change the trajectory of our state and to clean up our image by cleaning up our ethics laws as soon as possible. The people of Illinois deserve a government that they can trust.”