Rep. Windhorst Joins WJPF NewsRadio for Wide Ranging Interview During Committee Deadline Week

SPRINGFIELD, IL – State Representative Patrick Windhorst (R-Metropolis) joined the WJPF Morning Newswatch on Wednesday to discuss House Committee action and more during House Committee Deadline Week. Windhorst thanked Tom Miller for the wide-ranging and insightful interview.

“I was glad to be on WJPF radio with Tom Miller yesterday. We discussed a wide variety of topics including the Governor’s misplaced priorities as he plans a statewide trip to criticize President Trump. I believe we have enough issues in the state of Illinois that require our attention, and that the Governor would do better to focus on those issues rather than his national political ambitions. We also spoke about my work to introduce strong public safety measures stemming from my work as the leader of the House Republican Truth in Public Safety working group. We also spoke about several bad bills that are pending in Springfield. Finally, we covered the thousands of people who showed up to rally against the Homeschool Act, which unfortunately passed committee yesterday. This is committee deadline week in the House, so more news will be coming soon!

Listen in at the link below!